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Breaking news: Paco Gento, honorary president of Real de Madrid dies
Vicente de la Fuente García (29-01-1934 // 22-12-2021), who was, in fact, the first mayor of the democratic era, for Unión de Centro Democrático (26-09-1979 / 23-05-1983), has just passed away at his home in Betanzos, surrounded by the warmth of his family. Being as he was a man of action, a businessman, and having the support of his brother Santiago, who created the Grupo Untia, of fruitful cultural activity, in that short period of time, and after solving the endemic debt of the city council, he carried out a series of actions that marked to a large extent the future of Betanzos, especially in the cultural field.
At the urban and social level, he has also left his mark. To begin with, he managed to get Betanzos included in one of the 100 European projects des villes pour vivre of the Council of Europe and this favored the implementation of the Pilot Plan for Integrated Rehabilitation, with the architect Carlos Fernández-Gago at the helm, rehabilitating numerous houses in the old town.
IES FRANCISCO AGUIAR. Run for Betanzos. Carreira
9 ” Carta de Pedro de Valdivia a Hernando Pizarro ” (La Serena, 4 septembre 1545), in Pedro de Valdivia, Cartas de don Pedro de Valdivia que tratan del descubrimiento y conquista de la Nueva Extremadura, Santiago / Barcelona, Andrés Bello / Lumen, 1991, p. 83.
18 “Testamento de Juan Cayo” (Santiago, 17 June 1600), in Julio Retamal Ávila (dir.), Testamentos de “indios” en Chile colonial : 1564-1801, Santiago, Universidad Andrés Bello / RIL, 2000, p. 117-118.
24 “Don Nicolás Polanco de Santillana informs the king how the Cuzco and Jurí Indians that have gone to the kingdom of Chile enjoy the freedom of their tributes, that it be done with them as with the Yanaconas” (Santiago, 28 May 1652), Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, Sala José Toribio Medina, Manuscritos, vol. 142, doc. 2648, fs. 1-7.
27 Cf. Carlos Ruiz Rodríguez, “El mestizaje en Chile. Aspectos ideológicos”, in AA. VV., Historia de las mentalidades. Homenaje a Georges Duby, Santiago, Universidad de Chile, 2000, p. 248-249. Nous abordons ce sujet plus en profondeur dans ” Los indios cuzcos de Chile colonial : estrategias semánticas, usos de la memoria y gestión de identidades entre inmigrantes andinos (siglos xvi-xvii) “, Nuevo Mundo – Mundos Nuevos [en ligne], 2010, mis en ligne le 2 novembre 2010. URL : http://nuevomundo.revues.org/60271.
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