CEIP San Lorenzo Ezcaray
The City Council of San Lorenzo de El Escorial and the local assembly of the Red Cross have reached a collaboration agreement through which the San Lorenzo consistory cedes two classrooms located in the Sports Pavilion of the CEIP San Lorenzo …
The Casa de Cultura of San Lorenzo de El Escorial hosted 62 exhibitions of 27 different artists during 2023, a spectacular figure that gives the measure of the strength as a cultural engine that this space has. Among…
The City Council of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, through the Employment and Entrepreneurship Area headed by Miguel Ángel Montes, has signed an agreement with the Community of Madrid through which it will be able to operate as an intermediary in the accreditation…
The Municipal Group of Ciudadanos wishes all the neighbors of San Lorenzo de El Escorial as well as all the people who visit us during these Holidays, a Merry Christmas and, above all, good health and luck in all…
The Municipal Asphalting Plan of San Lorenzo de El Escorial is gaining momentum with the start of phases 1 and 2 of the works, which aim to renew a total of 38,500 square meters of asphalt pavement. The…
28-07-2020Escolares de entre 8 y 10 años del CEIP San Lorenzo de Brindis (Villafranca del Bierzo) han recibido una acción educativa sobre el proyecto LIFE BACCATA en forma de actividad de educación ambiental el pasado 22 de noviembre.
Un total de 29 niños y dos profesores participaron en la actividad. Pudieron conocer la importancia del tejo y su valor para nuestra biodiversidad, así como el proyecto LIFE BACCATA y la Red Natura 2000 a través de un vídeo y un pequeño debate posterior.
CEIP San Lorenzo Got talent Córdoba 2019
Link to the page of the Department of Education for the schooling process for the academic year 2022-23. There is the link for the presentation and consultation of applications, the initial offer of vacancies, and two explanatory videos for the online application.
If you are interested in your children doing any of the extracurricular activities offered by the AMPA, please fill in the pre-registration through our form from September 27 to 29, 2021 (one form per child)PRE-REGISTRATION FORMAs soon as we have all the pre-registrations and we know the extracurricular activities we will inform you! List of extracurricular activities and schedules:EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES. MONDAY 15:15-16:15PSYCHOMOTOR SKILLS. MONDAY 15:30-16:30MULTIBAILE TUESDAY 17:15-18:15CHILDREN’S THERAPY. WEDNESDAY 15:15-16:15PRIMARY PHYM. WED. 4:30-5:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. CHILDREN’S ROBOTICS. THURSDAY 15:15-16:15PRIMARY ROBOTICS. THURS. 16:30-17:30
We have joined the global movement in which demonstrations have been organized in different cities. We wanted to draw attention to this problem, global warming, which is already affecting many aspects of our lives, and in the classrooms we have made posters, talked about the issue, watched videos … to raise awareness of the issue. There are many things we can do as individuals, do not waste energy, responsible purchasing, reduce, reuse, recycle … For more information https://teachersforfuturespain.org/24s-nueva-movilizacion-global-por-el-clima/