Cedeira Fashion Week 2019
Don Vasco de Quiroga deployed a work of integral human promotion, centered on Christian principles; he knew how to create the conditions for the person, in a favorable environment, to achieve the perfection of his individual capacities through honest, creative and organized work, seen as a means of human dignification and not exploitation.
All this was projected in a profound social transformation and in the creation of new forms of coexistence in which the virtues of social groups were recognized. A peaceful and harmonious development of society was promoted. Inspired by this work, we want to continue to encourage our work.
Works Performed by Don Vasco de QuirogaDon Vasco de Quiroga acquires great transcendence in the national history for the importance he gives to the exercise of the works of charity and mercy.
Ceip Nicolás del Rio TV Cedeira
Eduardo Díaz del Río (Santiago, December 17, 1973). He has a degree in Law and is an independent politician. Deputy for District No. 51, Metropolitan Region of Santiago, in three consecutive terms between 1998 and 2010.
Eduardo Díaz del Río (Santiago, December 17, 1973). Bachelor in Legal Sciences and independent politician. Deputy for District No. 51, Santiago Metropolitan Region, in three consecutive terms between 1998 and 2010.
Between 1991 and 1998, as a high school and university student, he participated in the social action activities of the pastoral of Saint George School and in the street work program of Hogar de Cristo. These activities would lay the foundation for what would later become the Street Work Foundation.
In January 2005, he joined the parliamentary committee[2] and later joined the Christian Democratic Party (DC), a party he resigned from in January 2008[3] after the expulsion of Senator Adolfo Zaldívar. After that date, he joined the Independent Bench of the Chamber of Deputies.
Entroido 2023. Ceip Nicolás del Río.
Bibl.: J. R. Anaya Larios, “Leyenda dorada: la conquista de Querétaro”, in México en el tiempo, n.º 2 (November-December 1997); F. Soto López, “Cacique de Tula”, in TulaHidalgo.com (\Cacique de Tula TulaHidalgo_com.htm), 2005; B. Padilla Siurob, “La fundación de San Juan del Río. Y sucedió en Querétaro,” in Diario de Querétaro, September 2, 2007; “Estado de México. Historia”, in Estado de México- Historia.htm, 2007; “Joyas Colonias. Acámbaro”, in “Index_Mexico-Tenoch”, in “Index_Mexico-Tenoch.htm”; “Perfil indigena chicimeca”, in “Perfil indigena chichimecas.htm”; “Querétaro. History” at Encyclopedia of the Municipalities of Mexico_ Querétaro.htm; “San Juan del Río” at San Juan del Río.htm.
La institución fue fundada en 1876 por un grupo de profesores universitarios desafectos, entre los que se encontraban Francisco Giner de los Ríos, Gumersindo Azcarate, Teodoro Sainz Rueda y Nicolás Salmerón, que se alejaron del campus universitario principal de Madrid para conseguir la libertad de cátedra. Rechazaron ajustar su enseñanza a cualquier dogma religioso oficial o a la imposición moral y política de la época. En consecuencia, tuvieron que continuar su labor educativa al margen del sector estatal creando una institución educativa privada laica, comenzando con la enseñanza de nivel universitario y ampliando posteriormente sus actividades a la educación primaria y secundaria.
La ILE comenzó a investigar críticamente el pasado español, y de ella surgió el Centro de Estudios Históricos dirigido por el fundador de la escuela filológica española, Ramón Menéndez Pidal. La ILE también creó centros de contacto para las élites artísticas y científicas con el movimiento de vanguardia europeo, en particular la Residencia de estudiantes dirigida por Alberto Jiménez Fraud y la Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios (Junta para los Estudios Avanzados y la Investigación Científica), organizada por José Castillejo.