Vicente Fernández – Guadalajara (Live)
Previous positions: Rector of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University, Vice Rector of Communication, Quality and European Convergence of the UCH-CEU, Vice Rector of Students and Quality of the UCH-CEU, General Secretary of the UCH-CEU and Dean of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the UCH-CEU.
Previous positions: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Experimental and Health Sciences (March 2002 to September 2004). Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy (September 2004 to June 2008), Vice-Rector for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff (academic year 2008-2009), Vice-Rector for Academic Planning and Postgraduate Studies (from 2009 to June 2011).
Other academic merits: 1996-1997 postdoctoral stay at the University of Lund (Sweden) with a grant from the European Commission. Professor of Plant Physiology (2021). 3 six-year research periods by the CNEAI (1994-1999, 2000-2005 and 2006-2011). Accreditation ANECA Titular de Universidad-Ciencias (2011). Ángel Herrera Award for the best research work (2003). Ángel Herrera Award for the best teaching work (2014).
Liz Parrish – Gene Therapies and Advancing New Treatments
Clotilde Mercedes González de Fernández Ramos[1] (September 24, 1880 in Santo Tomé – February 28, 1935 in Posadas)[2] was an Argentine teacher, piano teacher and writer. She is considered a pioneer of education in Misiones, since she was the one who took the initiative to manage the first middle secondary schools in the then National Territory of Misiones.[4] She was the driving force of a popular movement that achieved through the National State the creation of the Normal schools in 1909, the National College in 1917, the School of Arts and Crafts in 1924 and the first Musical Institute in 1918, in Posadas.[5] She was the driving force of a popular movement that achieved through the National State the creation of the Normal schools in 1909, the National School in 1917, the School of Arts and Crafts in 1924 and the first Musical Institute in 1918, in Posadas.
In the city of Posadas, Province of Misiones, on the intersection of Félix de Azara and Santa Fe Streets, is the old house of Clotilde González de Fernández, which was her home. In that same place her bookstore used to be located.[8] much more than the yellow pages
The result is there for all to see. The present crosses and slaps us every day with such transcendent and relevant topics as Shakira’s song and Pique’s stories. Something that does not happen by chance, or do you think it does?
The new “Tsunami” hits our desolate shores of education. New voices appear on the horizon, siren songs, trying to convince us of the miracles of “Artificial Intelligence” and intelligent chats, blah, blah, blah, blah.
I humbly believe that, on many occasions, we have been ahead of the times, elaborating works and studies: The study of VR/AR in Education, Immersive Learning, Adcanced Simulations, Virtual Worlds and Metaeducation, Augmented Education for Augmented Soceity….
Focus needs to be put on incorporating critical thinking and application based thinking into the education system with greater weight, rather than writing down information learned through books (digital/paper) which can be given lower weight. At present we can say without a doubt, that the perspective from the students’ point of view, just the opposite.
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Sisters-in-law: Celina Viera Ramírez, María del Pino Ortega Guerra, Salvador Rodríguez Ferrera (+), Ángel Ojeda Suárez, Pablo, Magdalena(+), Santiago (+), José Manuel and Rosario Guerra Ramírez, Teresa Domínguez Ojeda, Francisco Rodríguez Herrera(+), Nélida Cardero Falcón, Amparo Armas Falcón, Santiago García Acosta(+),
Daughters/daughters-in-law: Amado Cárdenes Naranjo (+), Leopoldo Bas Hernández (+), Luis Martínez González-Palenzuela, Felisabel Pérez y Pérez, Mª Goretti Caballero Arencibia, Francisco Javier Hernández Cabrera (+) and Juanjo Jiménez Alemida.