Clara campoamor ceip


The Department of Educational Development and Vocational Training has awarded the Flamenco in the Classroom Awards for the 2021/2022 academic year, which recognize the best initiatives of teachers to disseminate the ‘jondo’ art in schools. The awards, now in their eighth edition, aim to contribute to the knowledge of flamenco among schoolchildren and promote the development of curricular materials, didactic resources and good teaching practices.

The awards went to the Colegio Salesiano San Luis Rey de Palma del Río (Córdoba) and the IES Almeraya de Almería, as well as the IES Marismas de Los Palacios y Villafranca (Seville), the CEIP Clara Campoamor de Atarfe (Granada), the CDP Divina Infantita de Guadix (Granada) and the CEIP Montealegre de Jerez de la Frontera. In addition, four honorary prizes were awarded to Antonio Najarro, Rocío Rodríguez Hidalgo, Arcángel and Eva Yerbabuena.

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Profundiza 2015 CEIP Clara Campoamor

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  Ceip clara campoamor ingles

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Road Safety Education Circuit 2015 CEIP Clara Campoamor 1*A

They have also achieved, after submitting an application within the Plan for the Improvement of Educational Success of the Junta de Castilla y León, the provision of a teacher whose work will be aimed at supporting students with difficulties in 2nd, 3rd and 6th grade, especially in the areas of Language and Mathematics, and who began his work on February 2 and will continue until May 29.

  Ceip clara campoamor atarfe

In June they will be visited by teachers from the other centers involved and, in Gallego’s words: “it is an opportunity to observe how each center works, the working method and the conflict resolution”.

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