Ceip cardenal mendoza valladolid

Infantile feeding

It is located on the plain where the provinces of Segovia and Valladolid meet, on a plain crossed from east to west by the river Cega and delimited on the other side by a large cut parallel to it and to the north, which narrows the municipal area.

There are several hypotheses about the origin of the name of Cuéllar and its meaning. The first author who wrote about it was the historian Diego de Colmenares, who attributed Cuéllar to be the famous Roman city of Colenda due to the similarity of words,[4] a theory that was also supported by Federico Wattenberg in his work,[5] as well as by Madoz,[6] Piferrer,[7] and Somorrostro. [8] This attribution does not seem to have much truth, since it is based on the similarity of the name, without investigating other aspects. On the other hand, no Roman remains have been found so far in the town, which makes it more improbable that the name of Cuéllar derives from that of Colenda and therefore the identity of this town can be attributed to this council.

Professor Ángel de los Ríos suggested that Cuéllar had to do with the Latin word equus (horse),[9] a theory supported by historian Trasierra, recalling the mention of Cuéllar in medieval documents as Equellar. Even so, it does not seem possible to have such an important three-formation, in which the name would have to lose the y of equus and the southening of the diphthong ue and the double ele.

Libro de Poemas homenaje a Gloria Fuertes leídos

El 5 de junio se celebró en el Parque Campo Grande de Valladolid el acto de clausura del Día Educativo de Tagore. El acto fue dirigido por el equipo de la Escuela de la India de la Casa de la India. Hubo tres talleres de danza, música y poesía india para los niños. Los talleres se organizaron en el parque, a la sombra de los árboles, rodeados de flores, pájaros y animales, lo que se asemeja al entorno de la enseñanza en Santiniketan, Bengala Occidental. Alrededor de 60 alumnos de los colegios CEIP Cardenal Mendoza y CEIP Francisco Gines de los Ríos participaron en esta experiencia de aprendizaje única. El Teniente de Alcalde D. Manuel Saravia, la Concejala de Educación, Infancia e Igualdad Dña. María Victoria Soto Olmedo, la Concejala de Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad Dña. María Sánchez Esteban del Ayuntamiento de Valladolid fueron los invitados especiales.

Motor Wedge. Relaxation exercise for 2nd cycle of Primary School.

Are you a young university student and are you interested in having the tools to carry out workshops with adolescents? We propose to train you as a workshop leader to develop community, participatory and interdisciplinary actions through peer-to-peer workshops.

Among the topics to be covered:

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